Criminal History Conviction Name Search
Criminal History Record Fields
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Criminal History Record Fields
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Arrest Details
- Describes the type of record or arrest.
- State Identification (SID) Number
- State assigned number given to each name.
- Arrest Date
- Date of Arrest for individual on record.
- Sequence
- Indicator of multiple arrests of an individual on the same day, but by different agencies.
- Tracking Incident Number
- Tracking Incident Number used to track the arrest through the system
- Arrest Name
- Name used by individual at time of arrest.
- Agency Case Number
- Number used by arresting agency to further identify an individual case.
- Juvenile Record Indicator
- Indicates if a person was a Juvenile at time of arrest. Juveniles are defined as age 17 and under.
- Arresting Agency ORI
- Identification number pre-assigned by FBI or name of arresting agency.
- Address Type
- Address type used by individual at time of arrest.
- Address Street
- Address number and street used by individual at time of arrest.
- Address City and State
- Address city and state used by individual at time of arrest.
- Address Zip Code
- Address zip code used by individual at time of arrest.
- Date of Offense
- Date offense occurred.
- Arrest Offense Numeric
- Number assigned for specific charge.
- Arrest Offense Literal
- Verbiage used to further describe the offense denoted by the offense code.
- Statue Citation
- Statute citation of offense charged at arrest.
- Level & Degree of Arrest Offense
- Level (Felony or Misdemeanor) and degree (Capital, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, State Jail "A" or "B") of offense charged during arrest.
- General Offense Character
- Further describes nature of offense charged during arrest.
- Arrest Disposition Numeric
- Disposition of individual immediate to arrest.
- Arrest Disposition Literal
- Used to describe or clarify additional dispositions.
- Arrest Disposition Date
- Date of disposition immediate to arrest.
- Prosecutor Case Referred to
- ORI of prosecutor case is referred to by the arresting agency immediately after arrest.
- Internal Agency Person Number
- Number used by arresting agency to further identify an individual.
- Internal Agency Case Number
- Number used by arresting agency to further identify an individual case.
- Domestic Violence Indicator
- Indicates the incident was related to Domestic Violence.
- Tracking Number Suffix (TRS)
- Alpha/Numeric suffix added to the TRN to indicate or track multiple charges and/or counts per prosecutor or court.
- ORI of Prosecutor
- Identification number pre-assigned by FBI.
- Action Date
- Date of rejection by prosecutor.
- Prosecutor Action Field
- Denotes the action taken by the prosecutor.
- Prosecutor Offense Numeric
- Code of charges at the time of prosecution.
- Prosecutor Citation
- Denotes the action taken by the prosecutor of the TRS in question.
- Prosecutor Offense Literal
- Title of offense prosecuted.
- Level & Degree of Prosecuted Offense
- Indicates the level and degree of the prosecuted offense Level (Felony or Misdemeanor) and degree (Capital, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, S, "A" or "B") of offense during prosecution.
- General Offense Character Prosecution
- One character that describes action related to actual offense.
- Domestic Violence Indicator
- Indicates the incident was related to Domestic Violence.
Court Record(s)
- Tracking Number Suffix
- Alpha/Numeric suffix added to the TRN to indicate or track multiple charges and/or counts per prosecutor or court.
- NCIC Originating Agency
- Identification Number pre-assigned by FBI or name of court exercising jurisdiction.
- Sequence
- Sequence indicator of multiple arrests on same day.
- Cause Number
- Number assigned by the local agency for each charge.
- Final Pleading
- Final pleading of the offender to the offense.
- Court Disposition Date
- Adult Reporting: The date of the judicial disposition of the case.
- Juvenile Reporting: The date of the intake, prosecutor or court action.
- General Offense Character
- One character that describes action related to the actual offense.
- Court Offense Numeric
- Numeric code of offense subject charged at time of judicial action (Structured the same as AON).
- Court Offense Citation
- Statute citation of offense charged at arrest.
- Court Offense Literal
- Used to further describe disposed offense.
- Level & Degree of Court Offense
- Level and Degree (Felony or Misdemeanor) disposed by court.
- Court Disposition Numeric
- Court Disposition Numeric (Adult Records) The CDN is the numeric code for disposition of the case (convicted, acquitted, etc).
- Date of Sentence or Status Change
- Indicates date of sentencing or status change.
- Court Sentence Suspended-Time
- Indicates amount of time suspended by court.
- Court Sentence Suspended-Fine
- Indicates amount of fine suspended by court.
- Court Confinement
- Court Confinement Alpha/numeric field which reflects specifically the amount of confinement time (detention) from judicial decision (This time may or may not actually be served).
- Court Probation
- Reflects exactly the amount of time on probation (years, months, days).
- Court Fine
- Monetary fine amounts established by court decision.
- Court Cost
- The amount of court cost imposed.
- Court Provision Numeric
- Field which further expresses status, sentence, or probation provisions.
- Court Provision Literal
- Additional data which further explains judicial ruling or probation.
- Date of Appeal
- Used to show date of appeal of the charge.
- Disposition of Offender During Appeal
- Disposition of offender during appeal.
- Final Court Decision on Appealed Case
- Final court decision on a case that was appealed.
- Agency Receiving Custody
- Agency receiving custody of the offender sentenced to confinement or supervision.
- Multiple Sent. Concurrent/Consecutive
- The sentence of confinement is concurrent or consecutive with other sentences.
- Domestic Violence Indicator
- Indicates the incident was related to Domestic Violence.
Custody Information
- Date of Offense
- Date offense occurred.
- Custody Tracking Number
- Tracking Incident Number used to track the arrest through the Criminal Justice System.
- Agency
- Identification number pre-assigned by FBI.
- Person ID Number
- Identification number utilized by an institutional agency that refers to an individual.
- Sentence Expiration Date
- Date custodial agency indicates sentence will expire.
- County of Commitment
- County that committed offender to supervision.
- Status Starting Date
- Reflects the date of activity or movement while incarcerated or on parole (month, day, year).
- Status Supervision Numeric
- Reflects activity or movement specifically by code.
- Status Supervision Literal
- Additional data that further explains institutional ruling.
- Receiving Agency
- Indicates offender was released to detainer, or to county, state or country.
- Paroled Until Date
- Reflects the expected date of discharge from parole.