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Criminal History Conviction Name Search

Criminal History Record Fields

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Arrest Details

Describes the type of record or arrest.
State Identification (SID) Number
State assigned number given to each name.
Arrest Date
Date of Arrest for individual on record.
Indicator of multiple arrests of an individual on the same day, but by different agencies.
Tracking Incident Number
Tracking Incident Number used to track the arrest through the system
Arrest Name
Name used by individual at time of arrest.
Agency Case Number
Number used by arresting agency to further identify an individual case.
Juvenile Record Indicator
Indicates if a person was a Juvenile at time of arrest. Juveniles are defined as age 17 and under.
Arresting Agency ORI
Identification number pre-assigned by FBI or name of arresting agency.
Address Type
Address type used by individual at time of arrest.
Address Street
Address number and street used by individual at time of arrest.
Address City and State
Address city and state used by individual at time of arrest.
Address Zip Code
Address zip code used by individual at time of arrest.


Date of Offense
Date offense occurred.
Arrest Offense Numeric
Number assigned for specific charge.
Arrest Offense Literal
Verbiage used to further describe the offense denoted by the offense code.
Statue Citation
Statute citation of offense charged at arrest.
Level & Degree of Arrest Offense
Level (Felony or Misdemeanor) and degree (Capital, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, State Jail "A" or "B") of offense charged during arrest.
General Offense Character
Further describes nature of offense charged during arrest.
Arrest Disposition Numeric
Disposition of individual immediate to arrest.
Arrest Disposition Literal
Used to describe or clarify additional dispositions.
Arrest Disposition Date
Date of disposition immediate to arrest.
Prosecutor Case Referred to
ORI of prosecutor case is referred to by the arresting agency immediately after arrest.
Internal Agency Person Number
Number used by arresting agency to further identify an individual.
Internal Agency Case Number
Number used by arresting agency to further identify an individual case.
Domestic Violence Indicator
Indicates the incident was related to Domestic Violence.


Tracking Number Suffix (TRS)
Alpha/Numeric suffix added to the TRN to indicate or track multiple charges and/or counts per prosecutor or court.
ORI of Prosecutor
Identification number pre-assigned by FBI.
Action Date
Date of rejection by prosecutor.
Prosecutor Action Field
Denotes the action taken by the prosecutor.
Prosecutor Offense Numeric
Code of charges at the time of prosecution.
Prosecutor Citation
Denotes the action taken by the prosecutor of the TRS in question.
Prosecutor Offense Literal
Title of offense prosecuted.
Level & Degree of Prosecuted Offense
Indicates the level and degree of the prosecuted offense Level (Felony or Misdemeanor) and degree (Capital, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, S, "A" or "B") of offense during prosecution.
General Offense Character Prosecution
One character that describes action related to actual offense.
Domestic Violence Indicator
Indicates the incident was related to Domestic Violence.

Court Record(s)

Tracking Number Suffix
Alpha/Numeric suffix added to the TRN to indicate or track multiple charges and/or counts per prosecutor or court.
NCIC Originating Agency
Identification Number pre-assigned by FBI or name of court exercising jurisdiction.
Sequence indicator of multiple arrests on same day.
Cause Number
Number assigned by the local agency for each charge.
Final Pleading
Final pleading of the offender to the offense.
Court Disposition Date
Adult Reporting: The date of the judicial disposition of the case.
Juvenile Reporting: The date of the intake, prosecutor or court action.
General Offense Character
One character that describes action related to the actual offense.
Court Offense Numeric
Numeric code of offense subject charged at time of judicial action (Structured the same as AON).
Court Offense Citation
Statute citation of offense charged at arrest.
Court Offense Literal
Used to further describe disposed offense.
Level & Degree of Court Offense
Level and Degree (Felony or Misdemeanor) disposed by court.
Court Disposition Numeric
Court Disposition Numeric (Adult Records) The CDN is the numeric code for disposition of the case (convicted, acquitted, etc).
Date of Sentence or Status Change
Indicates date of sentencing or status change.
Court Sentence Suspended-Time
Indicates amount of time suspended by court.
Court Sentence Suspended-Fine
Indicates amount of fine suspended by court.
Court Confinement
Court Confinement Alpha/numeric field which reflects specifically the amount of confinement time (detention) from judicial decision (This time may or may not actually be served).
Court Probation
Reflects exactly the amount of time on probation (years, months, days).
Court Fine
Monetary fine amounts established by court decision.
Court Cost
The amount of court cost imposed.
Court Provision Numeric
Field which further expresses status, sentence, or probation provisions.
Court Provision Literal
Additional data which further explains judicial ruling or probation.
Date of Appeal
Used to show date of appeal of the charge.
Disposition of Offender During Appeal
Disposition of offender during appeal.
Final Court Decision on Appealed Case
Final court decision on a case that was appealed.
Agency Receiving Custody
Agency receiving custody of the offender sentenced to confinement or supervision.
Multiple Sent. Concurrent/Consecutive
The sentence of confinement is concurrent or consecutive with other sentences.
Domestic Violence Indicator
Indicates the incident was related to Domestic Violence.

Custody Information

Date of Offense
Date offense occurred.
Custody Tracking Number
Tracking Incident Number used to track the arrest through the Criminal Justice System.
Identification number pre-assigned by FBI.
Person ID Number
Identification number utilized by an institutional agency that refers to an individual.
Sentence Expiration Date
Date custodial agency indicates sentence will expire.
County of Commitment
County that committed offender to supervision.
Status Starting Date
Reflects the date of activity or movement while incarcerated or on parole (month, day, year).
Status Supervision Numeric
Reflects activity or movement specifically by code.
Status Supervision Literal
Additional data that further explains institutional ruling.
Receiving Agency
Indicates offender was released to detainer, or to county, state or country.
Paroled Until Date
Reflects the expected date of discharge from parole.